Bass Pro Shops

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hunting Ducks in Central Arizona

Hello everybody and welcome! I intend for this blog to be as informative and fun to read as possible. As this is my first blog bear with me if i make a few mistakes here and there. On to our topic today!
Many hunters fail to recognize what a great opportunity there is in duck hunting in Central Arizona. This is a great time to get out on the lakes and hunt for this awesome waterfowl. It is as exciting as it gets whether you choose to get out the decoys and call or just cruise to your fishing spots where you've seen the ducks and hope for the best! Either way is rewarding and fun. Myself I prefer to take my friends out using both methods. Before starting I do recommend that you visit the Arizona Game and fish department website at and read all the rules and regulations. My first experience of Hunting Ducks in Arizona came with my good friend David. We took the bumpy journey to Horseshoe Lake and located a spot where multiple ducks (and Geese I may add) Were flying overhead and also coming in to eat. First we threw on our neoprene waders (which are a must have for duck hunting) loaded our 12 Gauge shotguns with #2 steel shot (as lead shot is toxic and should not be used)and loaded up our gear into my friend Ryan's borrowed aluminum boat Thanks buddy! We took the boat where we thought the ducks were most likely to come in. Preferably areas where there is good cattails, or grass or both on the banks. Also we found a great spot to conceal ourselves as best we can. Camouflage clothing is very helpful but good cover from natural surroundings optimizes your chances. After locating our area I proceeded to wade out and set up our decoys (with only moonlight and a headlamp this is quite an interesting task especially when the water is about 50 degrees) I set up about 5 decoys as here in Central Arizona I haven't seen many huge flocks and wanted it to be as realistic as possible. From here it was sit and wait to see what happens sure enough at first light the Ducks started to fly over head and Dave started calling. The Ducks would investigate but just weren't quite sure if they should land or not. After watching a few fly well out of range and the excitement starting to brew we finally had some fly within range and let em have it! Only Ducks are certainly no stupid bird and seemed to laugh at our futile attempts to take em. Even Jake the trusty old bird dog was giving us some pretty sad looks. Unfortunately it was not in the cards for us to bag some Ducks that day but for a first timer like me I knew I was hooked. Sorry if you guys thought this was going to be a story where I bagged a limit and ate good. But folks this story and more to follow are realistic hunting stories not I'm the best hunter that the good Lord created stories. My Dad always explained to me thats why its called Hunting otherwise it would jut be called killing and to me thats not what our sport is about. The feeling I get when I am out pursuing an animal in its natural environment is far to difficult for me to explain so that people can understand. But for my first Duck Hunting experience I have to say it felt good and I definitely have great respect for those wiley creatures. Later on that day we cruised around the lake and glassed  looking for flocks of ducks to no avail. But I did glass up some does and found some good tracks of other animals such as a Mountain lion and Javelina. Thats when the hunting trip also took a turn for the best as we busted a couple big Coveys of quail! We switched our loads to #6 birdshot and the hunt was on for a different quarry!   A few quail between us sure made the long day was a little more fun. As both seasons are happening at the same time always bring other loads in case the opportunity presents itself.  Just make sure to be safe at all times and check your loads to make sure not to use #2 steel shot for Quail as it wont be pretty and will spoil any of your chances for delicious Quail.
After telling my good buddy Jim about my exploits with Dave we decided to head out to Lake Pleasant and try our luck. Unfortunately Dave was not able to make it this trip( something about he didn't get approval from his better half to go out 2 weekends in a row)so Jim and I got into his 84 wayfarer with full wake board set up to boot. Yes we looked completely like amateurs (which we are) but we were gonna have a blast any way. We started out across the lake and after a while seemed like the boat just wasn't running right. After takin a short stop Jim realized he had forgotten the plug. Oh (expletive) we're sinking. Thats when I got to see Jim as I hope to never see him again. Thats right folks down to his undies he went and into the cold Lake to put in the plug before we swamped her. Glad it was him and not me let me tell ya! After that was complete and the bilge pump workin its little heart out we were back on our way! Dry clothes were put back on. Jimbo was to go commando the rest of the trip but thats better than explaining to the wife how the boat ended up at the bottom of the Lake! So from there we located some Ducks where I had seen them while Bass fishing with my Dad. We shut the engine down, made sure of our surroundings to be safe as to not shoot towards other sportsman and boats, let the boat drift up on em they took off and we let go with our 12 gauges and down goes the one I was aiming at then the Drake that Jim was shooting at! 2 down and it was only an hour into the hunt woohoo! Onto the next spot where we spotted a huge flock of Ducks again we floated closer but they had heard from the grapevine that some of their couisins had bought the farm so to speak and were not having any part of us or the boat so we had to watch as these flew away and they did not come back. We headed back out to some other locations and shot at but missed another Drake and a hen. After a while we decided we needed to calm down and take a lot closer aim the next time! Darn adrenaline will get you every time! So we located some Drakes and a Hen again I took the Drake and Jimbo took the Hen in two beautiful wing shots that made our chests puff out like we were old school waterfowlers. At the end of the day we each had taken our Mallard limits of 2 Drakes and 2 Hens and a little bit of pride! We were totally stoked we had done so well as we had no clue at what we were doing  just learning as we were going. I took my ducks home and cleaned and ate them right away. To me they tasted a lot like liver or very close to what Dove tasted like. I did not use any special seasoning or do anything fancy just butter and garlic and cooked them slow on the BBQ. Jim on the other hand preferred to have his mounted. After about two years wait he got them back and is enjoying them at Home. Not sure if Deena does but she puts up with us anyways!
Guess I can really say now that I love to Duck Hunt and that I continue to try and learn about it more and more every time I go out. Because folks thats what it is all about. Anyone that wants to add to this blog with help for others or just funny stories of your first Duck hunts please do so and welcome. Thank you for taking your time to read my article and God Bless.

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