Bass Pro Shops

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dangerous Encounter

As a hunter there are certain hunts that just stick with you and actually drive you to get off your butt and hike the miles necessary to find the game your after. These memories stick with you and you remember what is the most important about the sport of hunting. Those little unexpected discoveries each and every day that you have to look for and be in touch with the energy of the outdoors to see but most of all, Feel! My Javelina season in the mountains near Ashfork, Arizona was the perfect theater for this moment to play out.

Joining me on this hunt was my boss Greg, Sam, and the mortgage guy Dave. We had obtained leftover tags after missing the initial draw because of busy work schedules and downright forgetfulness. Luckily I found that all the tags were not drawn and even though the area is not known for great populations of Javelina I had spotted a herd the year prior and had a good idea where to find some pigs. After finding out we had the tags I went up a couple weeks prior and scouted the area. I found some tracks in the area and felt like I was in the right place so I told the boys and in a couple weeks the hunt was on! We entered the area after staying the night in Flagstaff at Greg's cabin the weather decided to not cooperate and a snow storm was on it's way had to pack it in early that day after spending only a few hours in the field. no big deal good friends and not at work, no problem! The trip back to the cabin was an adventure to say the least! The snow really fell and gridlock was upon us on the I-40. The next day things were about the same and because the area I had scouted was quite a way from Flag we decided to try a place Dave had heard about near Ashfork. I didn't know the area at all but it looked promising lots of cover, cliffy mountains, caves the whole bit. We parked the trucks and I headed out while Greg and Sam decided to sit water. I gave Sam my .223 because I wanted to try and harvest my pig with my bow. With the guys at the water Dave went out on his quad to search for tracks and I set out on foot. After about 300 yards I topped out on a ridge and immediately spotted sign. Deer, Elk and javelina had been working in the thick junipers and I was getting excited. I found a game trail and followed it for about 100 yard when I came across a fresh lion track. Bah Bump, Bah Bump this track was only about an hour old! I followed the track for a while but my senses came back to me. I have a bow! Not the best weapon to have when going against 150 pound of killing machine. So I go from kitty mode back to pig mode but nonetheless stoked to see sign of all the critters. I walked for probably another mile or so and came to a cliff face I scaled down to the base and searched for sign found a skull of a javelina and decided to get on top and check the base of the entire cliff from there. As I walked into a u-shaped part of the cliff I noticed a lion scrape at the base of the juniper. Holy cow! He's close by! I round the corner and see movement thinking it's probably a pig I nock an arrow and continue a few steps forward. Again the movement and then it looks up and I see white on its chest and this is no pig! The lion who's track I had seen and scrape I had just passed sat below me not 20 yards away. I froze! What the heck do I do now! He has me spotted and I have a damn stick in my hand! I kneel down real slow and try and gain control of my adrenalin my heart is poundin like a drum and i have to make a decision. We stare at each other for about 5 minutes the rock under my knee is causing some serious pain and I have no clean shot! Finally I have to move I go to draw back my bow and whoosh the Lion jumps 10 feet to the top of the cliff at the opposite edge and as quiet as a mouse runs away! What a moment! Did that just happen I have hunted for 25 years and seen barely a tail of a lion and now I had just had one 20 yards away.! What a day my life as a hunter is complete! bury me now cuz it gets no better! 

As I walked back to the place where my friends were taking about 20 foot strides I remember the elation and great excitement. I could not help but yell and thank God for that moment. My senses were wired and alive I felt like I could do anything. As I pretty much screamed the story to my buddies they were in absolute amazement. To this very day that memory sticks with me like it was yesterday. So everyday when I wake up and say you know I think I'll sleep in or stay inside where it's warm I am reminded of what I could miss out on. 

Thanks for reading God Bless

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